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HomeFeaturesEducationRSD #17 BOE: Summary of September 2021 meetings

RSD #17 BOE: Summary of September 2021 meetings

Submitted by Jen Favalora.

2021-2022 School Year:  Interim Superintendent, Dr. JeanAnn Paddyfote, reported on a busy start to the school year including an update on student transportation issues that have been experienced at RSD17 and by most school districts throughout the state.  With six less drivers for the District’s thirty-four bus runs,  our bus company, STA, has pulled four drivers in from other districts to assist our runs.  Additional adjustments have been made by moving away athletic events to later in the day when school runs have ended, and the District has opted to use another company for out-of-district student transportation in order to relieve another STA driver to be used in-district.

Strategic Planning:  Over the span of three days, the Board held fourteen in-person focus groups with community members, leaders, teachers, staff, administrators, and parents, all facilitated by an HYA associate to collect data and report major themes from across all groups that the Board should consider when forming it’s 3- 5 year strategic plan.  Additional focus groups will take place virtually in October with students, alumni, and additional community members and leaders.  A community survey will be available in early November and the link will be posted on the front page of the website.  Data collected from these surveys and focus groups will be reported to the Board and incoming Superintendent Wihbey in December and the final plan will be presented to the community before the end of the school year.

Summer Curriculum Work:  The Curriculum Committee reported that 45 staff members participated in Curriculum work through the summer on 35 projects across nine disciplines. Additionally 153 students participated in Summer Learning Opportunities, either on-line or in-person, from Kindergarten Jumpstart and iReady Reading and Math support, to credit recovery for High School students with positive outcomes reported at each level.

Emergency Repairs:  The Facilities Committee explained $35,000 in unexpected repairs and remediation that was reported at the start of the year.  A heating compressor unit and heating pipes needed to be replaced at KES and a water tank seal needed to be replaced at HKI/MS.  Additionally, asbestos was found during a renovation in the HKHS Cougar Cafe and remediation was completed.  The full Facilities Assessment being performed by Tecton Architects will be presented to the Facilities committee on October 18th.

Finance Committee:  The Finance Committee gave a fiscal report on the District’s Cougar Cubs Daycare program.  What began nearly 15 years ago as a program for just staff members, has grown into a successful community daycare that has reached capacity with 25 children of staff and 37 children from the community.  This program also serves as a benefit to our High School Early Child Development program.  The Committee also reported on tracking unexpected COVID Expenses for the 2021-2022 school year.  To date the District has incurred unexpected expenses to purchase tents and for temporary staff to help with employee vaccine compliance.

On our website:   USDA federal funding will again provide free school breakfasts for Pre-K through 8th grade students, and free school lunches for all grades throughout this school year.  Information on this program and the school menus can be found on the website under District→Food Services.

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