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HomeOpinionLetters To The EditorLetter to the Editor: Veterans Day 2019

Letter to the Editor: Veterans Day 2019

The views stated here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors of this newspaper.

Ok, you are wondering why am I reading about Veterans Day from someone from North Branford.

Well I was asked by some of the citizens of Haddam to give my thoughts on Veterans Day. Let me explain. I have 33 years total military experience. I love the USA and the flag that stands for our country. I have been coming to Haddam Selectman meetings to challenge a selectperson whose choice is to kneel at a time she should be standing during the pledge of allegiance. Her kneeling during the pledge is very offensive and personally hurtful to me. She is on the clock and should be doing town business, not grand standing for her own expressions of her political thoughts. She is basically stealing from the citizens she should be serving.

I come to the meetings to represent the men and women that have given their lives defending our country. They would gladly stand if they were alive and pledge allegiance to the flag but they are no longer with us. I stand and pledge allegiance on their behalf.

Two nights before the anniversary of 9/11 I spoke during public comment at the Haddam meeting. I explained that 9/11 was not a military attack like Pearl Harbor. It was a murder at the twin towers, and other locations in our country of innocent civilians, too many died that day, attacked by terrorists. The day after that the country was united in such a way we may never see again. Flags were proudly flown, and as a country we grieved for all those terrible losses. We understood how severely we were attacked that day.

Since that day the years have come and gone, and the unity has worn off. Too many people have their own agendas now and not the common thought of what is right for our country anymore. We need to refresh our torn, worn out flags. We need to change our thoughts and ways, get back on track to restore our country to where it needs to be again.

Veterans Day is a day to thank all veterans for their service to the country. On Memorial Day we honor those who give their lives for our country. On Veterans day you should take time out and thank a veteran for what they have done to preserve the freedoms you enjoy.

I enlisted in the US Army in June 1967, served in New Jersey at Fort Monmouth, then a year in Pleiku Vietnam, then 1 more year at Fort Monmouth. Then a few years later joined the Army National Guard. Then I transferred to the Air National Guard. During the time immediately after 9/11 our Air National Guard was activated to watch the airspace over New York City.

I am proud of serving my country for 33 years. It is a great country; one we should all love and strive to make it as great as we can again.

God Bless The USA

MSGT (ret)

Clifford Potter

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