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HomeFeaturesEducationLetter to the Editor: Katie Packtor, Haddam BOE Candidate

Letter to the Editor: Katie Packtor, Haddam BOE Candidate

We reached out to both the Haddam Republican Town Committee and the Haddam Democratic Town Committee and asked candidates to respond to a set of questions. Updates from all candidates are welcome, and are being published as Letters to the Editor. Katie Packtor is a Haddam candidate for Regional School District #17 Board of Education. The answers from the other candidates can be found HERE.

The views stated here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors of this newspaper.

(October 3, 2019) — I am Katie Packtor, Higganum resident of 15 years.  Like many of you, I moved to this town to raise a family, and I intend to stay here long after my babies leave the nest.  I live with my husband, Sam, our two children, and two dogs.  My kids have attended the schools in our district throughout their scholastic careers.  It has been my pleasure to encourage and support their learning experiences over the years.  I’ve served as PTO co-president for two years at HES, and I’ve embraced many other posts and chair positions in the remaining years. I have also maintained a schedule of regular volunteering in the community – whether for church, sporting activities, scouting, or town organizations and events.  I like to be involved and am proud of the accomplishments achieved through these group efforts.

I work as a landscape architect at The SLAM Collaborative and have been with my company for almost 14 years.  My affinity for art and love of the natural world inspire me daily and enrich my work.  Through professional pursuits, I’ve developed skills in critical analysis, project and budget management, and creative problem solving – all of which will prove useful in this elected position. 

I have spent a significant amount of time working to build on our solid foundation – to encourage a thriving, unified, well-rounded community.  My run for the Board of Education is a continuation of that adventure.    As a founding member of the SaveHES group, I witnessed a deep disconnect between the BoE and the community when the Board pursued closure and consolidation of our schools.  I know that with teamwork we can manage our school and town matters more effectively, and I feel it is time for me to participate in a more meaningful way.  I seek this position on the BoE to help heal our community – to build strong connections, tend to the needs of every student and staff member, and advance our educational district towards financial sustainability and continued academic success.

My role, as I see it, will be to serve you.  Foremost on my platform will be fortifying communication between the district and the towns we serve.  Our schools are one of our greatest assets, and they warrant dedicated attention and care.  In a time of financial reform at the state level, it is important that we manage resources responsibly and thoughtfully.    I will see to it that we utilize creative problem-solving skills to transform challenges into progressive systems of performance, a satisfied staff, and well-rounded young citizens.

I’m committed to our town.  I offer a history of volunteering in our schools and community, a professional background that is both analytical and visionary, and an immediate understanding of the issues at hand.  All citizens should have the opportunity to participate in the conversation and enhance the living and learning experience in Haddam.  I ask you to put your trust in me to achieve that partnership.  Please mark your calendars to vote for Katie Packtor on November 5th, 2019.  I thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to representing you on the RSD17 Board of Education.
Katie Packtor

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