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HomeNewsKillingworth Town GovernmentKillingworth Copes: Nov. 20, 2020 -- Killingworth Remains In the Red

Killingworth Copes: Nov. 20, 2020 — Killingworth Remains In the Red

B Cathy Iino, First Selectman, Killingworth.

(Nov. 20, 2020) — The state released its latest COVID alert map on Thursday, and Killingworth remains in the red zone—one of the 145 towns in the state (out of 169) now “in the red.” Our daily rate of cases per 100,000 population went from 16.9, for the two-week period from 10/25 to 11/7, to 26.9, for the period 11/1 – 11/14. Since March, we have had a total of 59 confirmed cases.
Unfortunately, this rate of infection means we will have to further modify our behavior. As you can see from the chart, our community is supposed to cancel public events and limit community gathering points. Please reconsider private events as well. Much of the recent spread of the disease has been in private gatherings. As a recent meme has it, “Zoom Thanksgiving is better than ICU Christmas.”
Anyone who is travelling should consult the state’s travel advisory, which currently applies to travel to all states except New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. If you spend more than 24 hours in any of the other states, you must self-quarantine for 14 days and complete a Travel Health Form upon your return. More details are in the advisory.
Stuff-a-Cruiser. One event that will go on is the annual Stuff-a-Cruiser toy collection. Resident State Trooper Rich Mulhall will have his cruiser available at the Killingworth Town Hall on Saturday, November 28th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please join HK Youth & Family Services and members of a local Girl Scout Troop to fill the cruiser with donations of new gifts, toys, gift certificates, or cash donations for families in need. Please remember our teens during this holiday season as well as young children. If you need ideas, please call HKYFS at 860-345-7498 or email
Transfer Station. The Transfer Station will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. When you go there on other days, wear a mask and keep your distance, and follow the instructions of Transfer Station staff. Thank you for your cooperation.
Stay safe, keep your family and neighbors safe, and carry on.

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