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HomeNewsConnecticut NewsConnecticut Halloween Guidance

Connecticut Halloween Guidance

Sent out by Town of Haddam.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic requires all of us to take steps to keep ourselves, our families, and our communities safe and healthy: wear our masks, wash our hands frequently, and maintain social distancing. As a result, we will need to celebrate many fall traditions differently this year, including Halloween. Traditional Halloween activities carry a high risk for spreading COVID-19, but we can reduce that risk significantly by organizing and participating in fun, lower or moderate risk alternatives. The holiday may look different this year, but the Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT DPH) believes we can still enjoy a happy (and healthy) Halloween.

The CT DPH recommends that everyone planning to participate in Halloween activities this year review the guidance recently issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That guidance describes “lower” “moderate” and “higher” risk activities. DPH recommends that Connecticut residents avoid higher risk Halloween traditions and focus celebrations on the lower and moderate risk activities.

The ability to maintain social distancing and follow face covering rules is especially important when participating in Halloween activities. In addition, please refrain from leaving your home for any Halloween activity and do not pass out Halloween candy if you are ill or have traveled to one of the states listed on the Connecticut travel advisory between October 16th and October 30th (i.e. 14 days before Halloween). In this case you should be following the testing and self-quarantining guidelines, per Executive Order No. 9C. CDC guidance and safety tips are summarized below, along with additional considerations for restaurants and colleges and Universities.

Click this link to see the chart of Lower | Moderate | Higher risk activities.

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