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HomeFeatures2022 CRAHD Mosquito Control Catch Basin Treatment Program Resumes

2022 CRAHD Mosquito Control Catch Basin Treatment Program Resumes

Submitted by Scott Martinson, CRAHD Director of Health

(June 3, 2022) — The Connecticut River Area Health District (CRAHD), is excited to continue our existing catch basin treatment program. CRAHD feels strongly about the effectiveness of this program. By reducing the number of adult mosquitoes, we reduce the risk of vector-borne diseases in our communities. Our contractor is Innovative Mosquito Management (IMM).

There are several mosquito species that have been identified as competent vectors of EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) and WNV (West Nile Virus) utilizing catch basin and storm drain habitats.

Control of these vectors through application of mosquito larvicides throughout each community is an important public health prevention effort. The typical breeding cycle begins on or about May 30 and continues through mid-September or until the first heavy frost. A total of three applications is typical during the season.

IMM will be using Vectolex (Bacillus Sphaericus), which offers at least 30 days of effective control. This is a naturally-occurring microbe and is an extremely effective agent for controlling Culex, Psorophora, Anopheles and many Aedes species of mosquitoes. Its mode of action is remarkably similar to BTI and it has demonstrated the unique property of being able to recycle from the infected cadavers as they decay. This extends the effective residual control for a period of 3 to 5 weeks following the initial treatment.

Treatments are made from a 49cc motor scooter and delivered directly into the catch basin or storm drain. Scooters are clearly marked with the company name and flashers for safety. Please visit our webpage at to learn more about mosquito control around the home.

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